WordPress Course 3st Class By infompak

WordPress Course 3st Class By infompak.

Today its our 3rd Lecture of WordPress InshAllah Today Wee  will se next and we will learn how we can make a post Password protected or Private . Now you can ask what is meant by Password Protected or Private . Let See for Example you want to Write a post at your WordPress Blog but you don’t want to publish it  or May be you want to make this post just for some people . There or two way to make secure your post from public . First Method is that you can make your post as a password Protected . When you will publish your post as a password protected you will give a password to your post . Only those people can view your post who know  the Password other wise it's impossible for any one to view your post . 2nd way is that you can make your post private when you will make your post a as private only admin can view the post . After this Inshallah we will learn how we can edit our post shortly . And also we will learn how we can create post categories . Now an other question . What is meant by post categories ? When you are make a post at your WordPress blog you will publish your post in some category so you have to create your post category first then you will assign  category to your post at publish time . If you don;t remember to give any category to your post then by default category will be checked . -

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