WordPress Course 5th Class By infompak

WordPress Course 5th Class By infompak:

In Today lecture we will learn how we can intasll a local server in aur pc . In Last Lecture we was discuses xampp . XAMPP is a local server basically xampp is a package of Apache server and MySQL data base . You should know that in all over tha worl there are two type of Website Static Websites and Dynamic Websites . You know WordPress is a PHP based CMS (Content Management System) .PHP is a Language for Development of Dynamic Websites . So inshallah We will learn how to Install Xampp in our Pc . After Installation we will run Xampp at Our Pc . When you Will Run Xampp you Should Quit Skype from your Pc . Other woise there will be problem With Xampp Server . Inshallah In Next Class We Install WordPress at Our Local Server and Then we will Start to do Work at any Project InshAllah 

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