WordPress Course 11th Class By infompak

WordPress Course 11th Class By infompak:

Assalamualikum friends it"s our 11th Class of WordPress Course in This Class Inshallah we will learn how we can Add new post at our blog page of  WordPress Website . We will post some post at our blog post and then we will see our blog page over view when you will add some post then you will see you blog page  will show some  Beautiful lay ought . After this we will see some others in WordPress Dashboard . Today Specially we will learn about WordPress Widget Area . At our site we see a column at our right hand of our website basically  its an area of widgets you can putt your widgets data in this ares . Go to Appearance and then go to Sub tab Widgets  When you will open Widget tab you will see some sections of Side bar area . u can put your desire data in side bar areaaaa .
After This we will learn about WordPress Theme Options  for example currently we are using WordPress Own Theme in this Theme there or lot of Options we can change some details of Theme . You will see In Video Lecture .
After this we will learn about menu we will create a menu for our website them we will attach our categories in our navigation bar we will access our category post data through website navigation bar .

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