WordPress Course 10th Class By infompak

Assalamualikum Friendzzzzzzzzz it"s 10th class of WordPress in This Lecture We will Go Through all WordPress Dashboard After Installation Go to your Login Page . Like www.abc.com/wp-admin . After Open Dashboard you will see all Options in your Dashboard Like Post In Post Section you will Se Some Sub Tabs Like , Add New Post , All Posts  and ect. When you will click at Add News Post  a New Page Will  Be Open 1st Section  is Title of Post 2nd is Post Detailsss . At Right side you will se some other options like Post Visibility options below this You will see Choose Category of Your Post . And at the end you will see Featured Image Option . Featured image will be show like a image at your post at front . Thats all about Post Tab . In This class inshallah we will learn some other tab"s we will learn about thats in Lecture  video lecture Play this Video or Download This video in your PC . Good Bye Allah Hafiz ..........

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