WordPress Course 9th Class By infompak

Assalamualikum Friendss It"s our 9th Class of WordPress In Last Class we have Upload WordPress CMS zipp File in our Cpanel File Manager in Today Class We will Extrect that file and then we will open aour domain in next tab you will se a blank page will be open there will be two files . Now Next Step Go to Home Of your C-Panel and Go to MySQL Data Base Create your Data Base  &  also create your username for database when you will create both things now go to your next tab open your site . Refresh your browser WordPress installation will be start choose your language then put your Database name database user name Database password host type and table prefix . Now go  to your c panel and just copy pase your data base name and other thingS . its sp simple See this video you will understand what i am syain to you . Next Lecture Inshallah we will Upload  a WordPress Theme and Then we will play With theme you will learn Lot of things Good By . May Allah Almighty Bless You 

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